
Mother and two daughters researching on laptop how much does online high school cost.

当一个家庭考虑让孩子上在线学校时, 有几个问题总是会出现: 

网上学校要花多少钱? 网上学校贵吗?? 网上学校便宜吗?? 网上学校免费吗??

成本 is certainly a factor in any major decision, and your child’s education is no exception. 了解更多 about the costs associated with online school, both public and private. 



公立网络小学通常是推荐正规买球平台的. Though there are costs associated with elementary education—including things like field trip fees and school supplies—like most public schools, 推荐正规买球平台 免费提供在线K-12课程. 

Public online high school and middle school costs the same as traditional in-person school, which means that parents can send their children online public high school or middle school at no cost, 除了具体的项目或课外活动费用. 如果你正在考虑上私立网络学校, 虽然, 预计要支付入学学费, 不同的学校有很大的不同.  


Private schools often offer programs and opportunities for advanced learning that are not always available in a public school setting, 例如大学先修课程*, 全年制教育, 或者兼职课程. For families concerned about the price of online private high school, schools like 培生在线学院 offer scholarships and tuition financing plans to help your student reach their academic goals.

公立学校的学费是多少. 远程学习?

都是公立学校 传统和在线,为入学学生提供推荐正规买球平台教育. However, parents should consider the additional costs that come with being a student. 

例如, students attending traditional public school will have to purchase school supplies and pay for extracurricular activities associated with their education.

For students attending online school, some of these additional costs are diminished, but not all. 家庭可能 have to set up a dedicated 学习的空间 and purchase additional supplies such as computers or supplementary learning materials, 这些加在一起可以成为一个很大的数目. However, online schools sometimes provide this equipment for families upon enrollment. 


是的! 像大多数公立学校一样, 推荐正规买球平台-supported online public schools are tuition-free for grades K-12. While each school may offer additional programming and educational opportunities that may incur additional fees, an online education through 推荐正规买球平台 is free for families and funded by state taxes similar to other public school options. 推荐正规买球平台的注册专家, to learn more about enrolling your student in 推荐正规买球平台.  


There are many things to consider when deciding on the right K-12 school for your child. With modern technology, parents today have significantly more school choices. 面对面或虚拟学校? 公立或私立?


许多家长可能会对此感到惊讶, 就像实体学校一样, 有 公立和私立在线学校. 也, 比如实体学校, online public schools are typically sponsored by the state or local school district. They must meet state and/or district curriculum and attendance requirements, 以及教师资格认证要求. 类似于实体学校, tuition-free online public schools have geographical boundaries, 通常在全州范围内, 因为学生必须来自同一个州. Students in online public schools also take the same state-mandated tests that brick-and-mortar public schools require.

和实体店一样, 网上私立学校 在课程设置和课程设置上有更多的灵活性, 比如全年制学校和大学先修课程, and students often aren’t restricted to living in certain school districts to attend.



Technology plays a significant role in the online school experience. 许多免费的在线公立学校喜欢 推荐正规买球平台® provide computers to their students at no cost, depending on the state. 如果学生愿意,他们也可以使用自己的电脑.

推荐正规买球平台 and other online public schools also provide required textbooks and instructional materials at no cost to families, 是数字的还是实体的, 视年级而定, 主题, 和国家. 


大多数相同的用品——铅笔——的费用由家庭承担, 橡皮擦, 笔记本电脑, and the like—the same way families with students enrolled in brick-and-mortar schools do. 在学生家附近放一台打印机 学习的空间 是有益的, 虽然 it’s not necessary since online students will complete most of their work online and submit electronic documents instead of hard copies.  

Online public schools typically offer optional in-person field trips throughout the year. 这些旅行提供了机会 学生与他们的同龄人联系 以及学术发展. Families are responsible for any fees not covered by the school, 比如与这些出游相关的交通费用.



决定你的孩子去哪里上学有很多因素, 父母需要做调查,考虑很多方面. 家庭可能 选择网上学校 原因如下: 

  • Tailored curriculum: Work with the teacher to create a personalized learning plan to help students learn in the way that best fits their educational needs and goals. 

  • Flexible schedule: Families have much more control over their student’s day-to-day learning schedule when enrolled in an online school.

  • Supportive environment: Online schools appreciate parental input and provide a safe, welcoming space that supports students as individuals and prioritizes their academic achievement as much as their personal growth. 

在寻找学校选择时, families may want to explore all the options available in their area, 比如特许学校, 公立中学, 或者以前在家上学 做决定.


While each school may be a little different, once the family has decided to 把孩子转到网上学校,接下来的步骤很简单:

  • Designate a parent or other trusted adult to act as the child’s Learning Coach. 

  • 建立一个富有成效的学习环境 

  • 让你的孩子满足 入学要求.

  • 填写注册文件.

  • After being approved, meet with your student’s teachers and get ready for at-home online education!


  1. 让你的问题得到解答: 填写an 资料表格查阅我们的电子指南,并与招生专家交谈.  
  2. 找到一个 你身边的网络学校.
  3. Start the enrollment process: Pay nothing to enroll and get started. 
  4. Attend a virtual information session: 推荐正规买球平台 has regularly scheduled webinars, 虚拟宣讲会, and other opportunities to meet your state’s online school representatives.

仍在权衡学校选择? 没关系! 了解更多推荐正规买球平台在线学校为家庭提供什么以及为什么 这些父母做出了改变. 

*Advanced Placement is a registered trademark of the 大学 Board. 经许可使用.  

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探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


